Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Graffiti or Found Objects.

                                                                    Found object.:


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Action Shoot Final

During, a quick pass to Anthony, the ball has stayed in motion for the past seconds. Anthony did not catch the ball and his toe.

Moore and Evans, juniors at Akins High School reherse in the morning for the talent show. Following the rehersal both won 1st place for best performances.

Fixed Focus
Jarrell Moore, junior at Akins, is having the moment of his life. His friend has threw the ball without Moore having not noticing, and still has caught the basketball.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Architecture shoot preview assignment

This photo shows a great example of a great close up detail of a achitecture building

In this photo of the building is a great example of lighting , you see it in the top right corner.

This is a good example of a architecture that shows pattern. In the squares, creates the pattern.

Angles and Shapes
This is a great example of an angle and shape. A right angle, and the shape it forms is a the tip of a triangle.

This is an example of surroundings because, the building is surrounded by the water and by the trees.

Architecture Preview

File:Habitat67July2010.JPGHabitat 67, Canada

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
The person who built this was Moshe Sadie.
2. When was it built?
In the beginning of the 60's.
3. Where is it located?
It's located on the on an invented peninsula: la “Cité du Havre”.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
The building is not private, so you can visit it.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
There is no information on how much it cost to build.
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
Designed to create a diversity of houses.

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I choose this building because, when looking at the photos of the building , it just seemed pretty cool of how the architect built this building. I also picked it because, the building was unique to me not alot of buildings are like that in the United States.

Cubic Houses, Netherlands

File:Case a Cubo (Kubuswoningen) 2.JPG

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Piet Blom,is the architect of building.
2. When was it built?
Built in 1984.
3. Where is it located?
Located in Overblacck Street.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
They are house., but there is one house which is for visiting, for the people who are curious about the building.
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? There is no information

6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The architect decided on the comcept, of being a forest by each cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a forest.

7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I choosed this building because, it was cool , well designed by the architect. Seems pretty unique of having houses of cubes.

The Longaberger Company (The Basket Building), United States

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Dave Longaberger.
2. When was it built? built in the 1970's
3. Where is it located? This builiding is located in the United States.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? It cost over $30 million
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? It was just a dream of Dave Longaberger to built this basket for a builiding.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because when I was looking through all the choices, the name seemed interesting. Once looking up the pictures of this building, i got suprised because its akward seeing a building of a basket. I think this man who built this was very unique.

Guggenheim Museum, Spain

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Frank Gehry person who built this.
2. When was it built? October 18. 1997
3. Where is it located?Bilbao, Basque Country
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it? Its a museum
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build? no information
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? The building itself is an innovatively designed architectural landmark that creates a seductive backdrop for the exhibition of contemporary art.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because, it really caught my eye, on seeing the pictures of this museum. Really unique building and the arichitect did a gread job in creating that sort of building.

Turning Torso, Sweden
Sista jättekranen går ner för landning
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)? Santiago Calatrava
2. When was it built?  Built in 2001
3. Where is it located? Swedish side of the Öresund strait.
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?  its residental. apartment complex
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself? was to re-establish a recognizable skyline for Malmö since the removal of the Kockums Crane
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
The turning torso builiding is a building that you wouldn't see around the whole world , I picked this building its very unique , and i really like it .. its awesome.

Writting a news lead or lede

Article #1
  • Who: The sons and Ethel Rosenberg and Julius Rosenberg.
  • What:: That their father was a spy.
  • Where: At the Sing Sing
  • When: In the 1970's
  • Why:  Delivering atomic bombing information to Soviet Union
  • How: That Both parents got death penalty.
Indentify Lead:
  • They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union.
Re-write lead:
  • Parents of a 6 and a 10 year old kids, were sadly executed for having delivered secrets of the atomic bombing to the Soviet Union.
  • Who:  Stephen Fishler, and the unrestored comic book.
  • What: Comic book collectors and superman fans will have the oppurtunity to bid on a "unrestored" comic book.
  • When: Starting Friday
  • Where: No location
  • Why: One of the famous comic books everybody wants.
  • How: They are having a public bid.
Identify lead:
  • After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000.
Re-write lead
  • After many years, of being away, the original "Action Comics No. 1 " has made a comeback with friends like Superman and many more, for a tune of $400,00.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practicing captions.

First Photo:
At a football game, Courtney Jackson is having a good time. Akins has scored a touchdown, and the crowd was very happy.

Second Photo:
Akins junior, Brandon Watsin is going to shoot his last free throw,and beat Westlake for the season. He has made the last one and they are now the winners of the game, fans are now cheering for him.
rule of composition would be simplicity, merger , leading lines

Third Photo:
Using his coloring pencil , Gabe Maldonado is finishing his last touches on his artwork, in Mr. Cannons class. The class has voted on him to show his artwork in front of the office, and go into Vase in next month.
rules of composition: depth , rule of thirds, leading lines , view point.

Fourth photo:
In Mrs. Warr's class an owl was visinting Akins High School, as other students take a look at him. The owl has recently just flew of and wondered throughout the classroom .

rules of composition: simplicity , merger.
leading lines.

Spring shoot photo prompts





Friday, April 8, 2011


My reactions to the powerpoint, is the photographer took some really good pictures, of the nature, animals of Africa. Got impressed of the photographs this photograher has tooken.

My favorite is the photograph of the zebras where they are right next to each other, and they are both looking at the other way.

Nick Brandt

What kind of camera did he use? Pentex 67, with short lens.
What is his reason for taking the photos? He has a pasion of  taking photographs, of Africa animals . And the animals are disappearing, because of global warming.
What is his hope by taking these types of photos? His hope, is that by seeing these photos people , out in the world could see what is happening in Africa and they could help out the animals.
Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog.?

"even though you think of Africa as huge.  Unfortunately the best concentration of wild-life is also where an awful lot of the population is"


Monday, April 4, 2011

5W1H Blog warm-up

Who :Barack Obama.
What :  Will launch a bid on re- election.
Where : April 14th , 2011
When :  In Chicago, he will hold this fundraiser.
Why :  Getting an early start in his campaing , so he could do his fundraising
How :  With doing this it will get him , so much time for his camapign , on being re-elected  in thes next election.

Basic News Writting

 Article #1 : Austin District holds community budget forum tonight

Who? Austin School District parents and employees.
Who is involved? administrators
Who does/did the affect? teachers and schools
 Who said so? school board

What? anticipated $94.4 million shortfall
What is happening?listened to administrators, lay out the preliminary 2011-12 budget.
What did happen? school administrators are still deciding on what will happen.
What are the consequences? more cuts and possibly school closures.
What is different about this? 
What are the choices?
  school closures and possibly an estimaded of 1,153 jobs

When? Last week
When did or will this happen? last week , and will have a meeting on April 11.
When was this discovered?

Austin School District Headquarters
Where did or will this happen?6:30 p.m. at Bowie High School, 4103 W. Slaughter Lane , in Southwest Austin.

Why? To discuss district cutting of jobs, and schools.
Why did this happen or will it happen?  feedback from the forum will be taken into consideration as officials revise the budget,

How did it or will it happen?
many budget wise problems
How much does it cost? The state could cut Austin's funding by more than $79 million
How many people does this affect?
How do you feel about this?
I feel that of what they are doing, cutting all these jobs, and making the decision of closing schools is unessary, i think after a while all the problems are going to be back to normal. many kids are going to left with no school and going to end up going to a school that they are not use to. Many parents don;t want their kids to change schools , thats why the whole community needs to put in effort in making not closed down the schools , laid off many teachers.

Article #2: Velarde testifies he received HGH injections from Bonds' trainer

Who is involved?Barry Bonds, Randy Velarde, Greg Anderson, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Marvin Benard
Who does/did the situation affect? The whole professional baseball community
Who said so?Someone

What is happening? Barry Bonds and Randy Velarde are being convicted of taking steroids.
What did happen? others were also trying the drugs.
What are the consequences? not being able to play in the team.
What is different about this? That its, not cool that they are doing this.
What are the choices? I guess, being sent to jail, in this case like this.

When did or will this happen? Happened on Wednesday.
When was this discovered? 2003

Where did or will this happen? In court.

Why did this happen or will it happen? They found out, with the drug test.

How did it or will it happen? once tthe drug test being confirmed, they were sent to court,
How much does it cost? Not sure about this.
How many people does this affect? It affected so many people in the team , whom that gave the drugs to.
How do you feel about this? I feel about this that they should of not done this , With them doing that it just made them get off the team and also their other team members.

Article#3: Official: Tens of thousands of evacuees can't head home for months
Who is involved? Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano and evacuees.
Who does/did the situation affect? people living close to the nuclear plant.
Who said so?  The chief of Tokyo

What is happening?
evacuees candt go back to their home , like until a couple of weeks.
What did happen? They  cant go back.
What are the consequences? many disasters may cause,
What is different about this? That living next to a nuclear power plant is really bad.
What are the choices? no go close to it , stay indoors,

When did or will this happen? thursday
When was this discovered? friday

Where did or will this happen?
happened in a nuclear power plant in Tokyo

Why did this happen or will it happen?
Happened since the earthquake, and these people have to leave. so noting will happen to them .

How did it or will it happen?
happen soon or later
How much does it cost? not sure
How many people does this affect?  This is going to affect so many people.
How do you feel about this? I
feel  that all these people have to leave , or if they want anything to happen to them. sad for all these people who dont want to leave their home , but they have no other choice, in leaving for their best.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Student of the Month

Student of The Month- Interviewing Questions

  1. Hi what is your name?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What grade are you in?
  4. What are you majoring after high school?
  5. How does it feel to be student of the month?
  6. What is you favorite subject in school?
  7. Have you ever been choosen to be student of the month?
  8. What do your friends think of you being student of the month?
  9. Did you try your best in being student of the month?
  10. Do you plan in going to college?
  11. What do teachers say about you ?
  12. Are they glad they have choosen you?
  13. Are you a straight-A student in this school year?
  14. Being student of the month do your siblings look up to you?
  15. Are you happy of being student of the month?
  16. Do you volunteer in community service, if yes what do you do ?
  17. Do you participate in any after-school program?
  18. How did you accomplish being student of the month?
  19. Do you think you should be student of the month?
  20. Why do you think people voted for you?

1.  Carolina Suniga
2.  Day is going well
3.  10th grader
4.  Photography
5.  Feels pretty great
6.  Theatre
7.  No
8.  They are happy, of her being student of the month.
9.  Yes, she tried her best.
11. Say, that she deserver it.
12. Yes
13. No.
14. Yes
15. She is happy
16. No , Community Service
17. No
18. Did homework evernight, and she tryed her best.
19. Yes.
20. Because, she tried hard and never gave up.

Changed Questions:
7. Not being student of the month in past years, why do you think they have choosened you?
9. How hard was it to get to be student of the month?
10. Do you plan in going to college, why?
12. Do you think teachers have a greater expectation of you, now that you are student of the month?
13. Are you a straight A- student in this school year, why or why not?
14. In your family do your siblings look up to you, why or why not?
15. Do you volunteer in community service, why or ,if  yes what do you do ?
17. How much of work of school do you do daily?
18. How do you consider yourself student of the month?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Interviewing Skills- School Uniforms


Topic: School uniforms

List three different sources you could interview for this topic:
  • students
  • teachers
  • parents
  1. "Hi, what is your name"?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What do you think about school uniforms?
  4. Have you gone to a school, where you had to wear school uniforms?
  5. If you were to wear a school uniform one day, how would you feel?
  6. Do you perfer dress code or school uniforms?
  7. How would you picture yourself wearing a school uniform same as the other students?
  8. If your school would to enforce school uniforms, and all schools.How would you react?
  9. How does this affect you?
  10. Do you think is neccessary for the board trustees to do this?
  11. Why do you think they don't want the students to wear regular clothing?
  12. Spending money on school uniforms, is really not neccessary

Sports Action and details.

 #1 Alyssa Schukar- runner-up
Name of photographer -Alyssa Schukar
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- The general focus of the porfolio is everydaylife.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -
1. That all photos are taken the same way
2. similar focus and the way it is taken on each photo
3.  same story of photos.
List two things the judges like-
1.  the picture that the photographer has token, of the man sweeping with the great background.
2. the photo of the , girl  when she fell jumping the hurdle.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
my overall impression of this photo story is that the pictures could of been taken better, not the same thing on each of the photos.  Some pictures were really good , like the one of man sweeping , the streets that was really a good photo.

#2 Carlos Delgado- runner-up
 Name of photographer - Carlos Delgado
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- stories, and everyday life.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -

1.  in the photos taken , there is cluster in the backgrounds.
2. things are growing out of the persons head
3. pictures are out focus.
List two things the judges like-
1. some of the photos are taken in really good focus.
2. the content of some photos are good.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall imprression of this is that , most of the photos are taken with to much stuff in the background. Some great photos but i guess the photographer could of shooted his pictures better ., with great focus and great backgrounds.

#3 Justin Mott - runner -up
 Name of photographer - Justin Mott.
General Focus of portfolio- The general focus of the portofolio is , around the world , photographs from Vietnam, Bolivia.
List three problems that the judges note with portofolio-
1. somewhat good of pictures.
2. selective focus with the photos.
3. good point of view on the photos , new thing to try out. List two things the judges like-
1. they like how the photgrapher takes the photos , in great point of view.
2. his pictures have alot of space, in them making the judges not like the photos , or like them. something new they have seen.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall impression of this portfolio story , it was great some really great photos that Justin Mott has taken. Some thigs that i like is that he photograph,  people in real life and what they are really living the world right now.

#4 Sam Adams-runner-up
Name of photographer -
Sam Adams
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- general focus of portofolio is sports.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -
1. some pictures aren't that good.
2. some are out focus.
3. picture of the swimmer girl, one of the other ones is faced backwards.
List two things the judges like-
1. they like some of the photos.
2. the photo of the self-portriat, of the guy, liked that photo.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall impression of this photo story, is the photographer could of done some other great photos, some of his pictures were good, but the other ones, were not so good.
I like how the photographer takes photographs of sports people in real life, and catch them in there moments , either they are reaching for the ball , or reacting to the game.

Dustin Snipes- winner-
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?
The judges note the photographer has taken photographs of good composition, has got in the activites to shoot a photograph, has captured moments in which all the team players are doing something.

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?
Strenghs creativeness, exploring new things.
weakness, somewhat of photos he could of done better, but overall  he has done a great job with this portofolio. Judges did good in choosing him as a good photographer.

3. Watch the contest recap video.

Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
 They look at which story has the best photos , with no blank spots. and they also decided on the winner , if they don't repeat the same concept of photos throudgh out the photo stories.
Then they decide on the  winner.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Touching People.

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
I think this project is great some really got photos, and the photo essay was good.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?
If someone approched me with the camera . and asked to participate in the shoot , and touch a stranger, um you could say I would do it .
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
An unusual photo shoot similar to this one, i guess would be shooting little children, with adults, but at different places . or people of different cultures.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take? The photography was good , some really great photos. He took photos out in the environment.

Japanese Earthquakes

This photo makes me feel , sad. Its sad seeing Japan being treated like this by this Earthquake. Im in shock seeing this
Only words to say is WOW! The composition that is being used in this photo is lines, You see lines in the sort of formation of waves  forming, in the ocean. He used the technique of shooting from top view.

This photo is sad because, seeing how this half of the road got seperated by its other half.  The composition this photographer used  was leading lines the lines in the road leading to the other workers.

 This photo is sort of weird. , the composition used is repition. on all the cars next to each other and all sort of the same color , and funny how there is only two cars thar are colored and the rest are white.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cool Advertising Ad.

This is my favorite advertising ad because its really cool. I like the design that ATAT has done. I think with this advertising it would encourage me to buy a phone. It tells you the best coverage out of all phone companies . And have good coverage over alot of countries.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy, Akins, Building

Happy, Akins, Building

The Home of The Akins Eagles!
Shows how Akins is full of pride.

Happy, I think this is good example of what I think happy is.
It shows the happy people through out the photo.

Building, I think this is shows a great example of a building.
Part of the building of Akins High School.

Monday, February 14, 2011

elements of yearbooks and notes

10 Elements found in yearbook:
  1. pictures with captions
  2. color
  3. text
  4. cover of the yearbook
  5. short stories of the students
  6. title of the yearbook
  7. year issued
  8. vol. #
  9. how its organized

The first section is the cover and it is a seperate piece, and made out of cardboard.
My cover its black, has 09 and the name of the high school. and the volume of the yearbook. My theme i guess would be Triune.
On the first page of the yearbook. i see its just a solid gray color, and has square box with text incorpared in it with pg. numbers. On the back insheets there's nothing on these sheets, its just a solid gray color.
On the very first page I see a picture, of their mascot, they name of the school, name of the yearbook, with the year and volume number, and other information of the school, and a caption of picutre. And on the left its blank.
Spread- Two pages side by side that work together.
On page 2-3 spread I see, on the left side, there is a picture of one of the football games, on the left side there is quotes about the school, and somewhat related to the theme, and the design of the yearbook.
Divider page- the page that divides,it from the theme page.
The sections of this yearbook are living, influence, meaning, brains, joined, inclusive, original, adrenalin, business. of what the divider page looks it has the big text, quotes and pictures and not very much.
On the very last two pages on the right side there is a picture of the school of what it looks like divided into twelve squares, and the name of the school, Trinity.
Colophon- describes how the yearbook is made, who publishes the yearbook, who took the pictures.
Of what it is included in the back pages is the colophon, editors notes, acknowledgements. A closing statement of the yearbook.
Things that are included in the back:
Senior Ads baby pictures of the seniors.
editors, staff

Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Cover Types

Cover Types

1. Early Magazine Covers
-had a little cute painting as the cover
-often they included ethics, orals.

2. The Poster Cover
-very few words
-and design to put out the photo
- the photo is the most dominant peace.
-it is visually appealing
-in general they would have a page photo
- in a poster magazine cover, you might want it to be a really good photo, and a photo that everybody knows.
Disadvantages: its boring, it doesn't tell you of whats inside your magazine, pick a really good picture

3. Pictures Married To Type
-first the words don't cover the most important things of the photo
-the words relate directly to the words on the cover,
-they work together and they help out each other out
Disadvantages: it might not be visually appealing enough to the massives

4. In the Forest of Words
-lots and lots of words
-organized in head lines and subheadlines
-the headlines are different sizes, and different color, different fonts,
-one majar and photo and one minor photo.
-The picture is the most important than the other elements
-it has multple points of entry
-it takes away from the photo from behind it.

Stuff that should be on my magazine cover:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Magazine Assignment

1st. Pile: Rechi (ukranian for "Things")

The things that are similar are none of them have people just objects.
The things that are different is that the covers are all stlyed differently and they all show different main subjects.
We put these magazines covers here because, none of them went along with the other catergories.
Most are effective at showing a piece of what's inside the magazine, except a few oare plain and don't advertise the magazine.
 Magazine names: The Day that changed America, Popular Photography, Silver Shotz, Home and Garden, Austin Monthly Home, Burnt Orange, Journalism Education, Smithsoian, Texas Monthly.

2. Informal and Formal Portraits
Characteristics: Covers that featured people doing a photoshoot  with a simple background to make them the main focus of the cover.
Similar: Most of them only have one person on the cover with a plain background.
Different: They're different people; different topics.
Why: They all are same types of portraits of well-known people.
Effective: they all are effective because they attract attention and give you a little insight to what that person is all about.
  • Quill & Scroll
  • American Photo (2)
  • Texas Monthly
  • Studio Photography & Design
  • Journalism Education Today
  • Record Store
  • Big D
  • Teen Vogue
  • People
  • Entertainment
  • The Brown Pages Magazine
  • Time
  • Cosmopolitan

3.Environmental Portraits
Characteristics: They all show people doing what the magazine is advertising and they represent what's on the cover. They show people in real situations instead of in a photo shoot.
Similar: They all have people, not things, on the cover showing what they do in real life.
Different: Everyone is doing something different, none of them are on the cover doing the same thing.
Why: We put these here because none of them are in a photo shoot, but they are all environmental portraits.
Effective: All of these are effective because they advertise what that person is famous for and it shows them doing their thing, not in a building somewhere with a plain background. It shows the real person doing their own thing.
  • National Geographic
  • PMA Magazine (2)
  • Freestyle (2)
  • St. Louis Official Visitors Guide
  • Journalism Education (2)
  • Texas Football
  • Texas Co-Op Power
  • Smithsonian (2)
  • American Photo
  • Sports Illustrated
  • People

4. Animals
The things that are similar are that they each contain a portrait of an animal.
The things that are different, that most animals are taken in their environmental world, and one is just taken as a portrait.
We put these magazines here because they all have a picture of an animal.
These are effective magazine covers becuase they all grab the viewers attention.
Magazine Covers Name: National Geographic, Photgraphy And Design, Smithsonian.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Best Covers

Portrait Covers:

#1 formal              #11 environmental    #20 environmental         #27   informal               #35 formal
#2 informal               #13 environmental    #21  environmental     #28  formal                  #36 formal
#3 informal               #15 formal             #22  casual                   #29 formal                  #37 (Details) formal:
#7  environmental   #16 environmental    #23 formal                   #29 environmental     #37 (Glamour) formal
#9 formal              #18 formal              #24 formal                       #31 formal                #37 (Time)formal
#10 environmental   #19 formal           #26 formal                       #32  formal

Favorite:#37 (Details):

Details magazine cover
This magazine cover is my favorite because, it is very casual. Its a great portrait taken by the photographer. I say its a good portrait becasue it was taken from her head and up. Its a nice portrait for a magazine cover of Details.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Magazine cover and catch up

5 things I should be thinking about when I  design my magazine cover.:
  1.  make you cover be curious so you can grab the readers attention. 
  2. don't judge your cover on screen.
  3. avoid a weak cover
  4. make it emotional 
  5. make sure you judge your cover. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Portrait and self-portrait tips and ideas


  • - Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.
  •  Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.

Environmental Portrait:
I picked out this environmental portrait because its taken out there in the environment. by the grass.

I picked out this environmental portrait because it shows the environmental things about the girl in the swing.

photography self portrait:

this a good picture of photography self portrait because its just an awesome picture that guy has taken of himself. 

its a great picture , love how she took the picture by the mirror making her reflection on it.

Casual Portrait:

 this a great picture of a casual portrait because they have token the photo at a casual moment.
this other casual portrait is great because its just casual they have token her photo at that moment with her hair flaring .

On what i am going to do on the next photo shoot is i am doing portrait . I would be doing pictures of my friends. Just plan on taking some pictures of them  just at random. I think its going to turn out good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Back

 I would say this is my favorite photo of the year because it surely describes the problems that are happening in Mexico . How bad the houses are turning out after the battles between the cartels.
This one of the others favorites pictures of 2010, because its awesome how they have token the picture of  the lightning hitting the tower.

                                                    Other favorite of2010 , is this one with the Brazilians winning their victory from Mexico. They are showing their spirit of their country. 


1. What was the best song of 2010?
My best song of 2010 would be Roberto Tapia - Me duele because it is a great song to listen to and i really enjoy it . What attracted me to this song is how it is sanged by the artist. Its a great choice because when you listen to it makes you want go dance, i would consider it the best song of 2010.

2. What was the best movie of 2010?
The best movie of 2010, I think would be Toy Story 3 because its a funny, sad, movie. Its my choice because out of all the Toy Stories the 3rd one was the best one its a great movie to enjoy. What attracted me to this movie choice was entertainment of the movie.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
What I think the most important news story of the year would be the rescue of Chile Miners. Its my choice because the rescue of these men were all over the news everywhere so i would say its the best news story of the year.

4. Who was the most important person of 2010?
What I think is the most important person of the 2010, it would be Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga because she has made story all over the world. My choice because she is like unique, awesome singer, and that would make her the most important person of 2010.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment, story OR person of 2010 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice)
The biggest sport of 2010 it would be the FIFA  World Cup because it was watched by every person in the world, i think everybody was entertained by it.


1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
One thing i would totally remember is our trip to San Felipe, Guanajuato , Mexico I would totally remember our during the holiday.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2011 year?
My resolutions of this 2011 year is being really happy all this year, do good in school.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
What i am looking forward to this 2011 is making it a good year.