Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practicing captions.

First Photo:
At a football game, Courtney Jackson is having a good time. Akins has scored a touchdown, and the crowd was very happy.

Second Photo:
Akins junior, Brandon Watsin is going to shoot his last free throw,and beat Westlake for the season. He has made the last one and they are now the winners of the game, fans are now cheering for him.
rule of composition would be simplicity, merger , leading lines

Third Photo:
Using his coloring pencil , Gabe Maldonado is finishing his last touches on his artwork, in Mr. Cannons class. The class has voted on him to show his artwork in front of the office, and go into Vase in next month.
rules of composition: depth , rule of thirds, leading lines , view point.

Fourth photo:
In Mrs. Warr's class an owl was visinting Akins High School, as other students take a look at him. The owl has recently just flew of and wondered throughout the classroom .

rules of composition: simplicity , merger.
leading lines.

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