Friday, April 8, 2011


My reactions to the powerpoint, is the photographer took some really good pictures, of the nature, animals of Africa. Got impressed of the photographs this photograher has tooken.

My favorite is the photograph of the zebras where they are right next to each other, and they are both looking at the other way.

Nick Brandt

What kind of camera did he use? Pentex 67, with short lens.
What is his reason for taking the photos? He has a pasion of  taking photographs, of Africa animals . And the animals are disappearing, because of global warming.
What is his hope by taking these types of photos? His hope, is that by seeing these photos people , out in the world could see what is happening in Africa and they could help out the animals.
Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog.?

"even though you think of Africa as huge.  Unfortunately the best concentration of wild-life is also where an awful lot of the population is"


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