Friday, March 25, 2011

Interviewing Skills- School Uniforms


Topic: School uniforms

List three different sources you could interview for this topic:
  • students
  • teachers
  • parents
  1. "Hi, what is your name"?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What do you think about school uniforms?
  4. Have you gone to a school, where you had to wear school uniforms?
  5. If you were to wear a school uniform one day, how would you feel?
  6. Do you perfer dress code or school uniforms?
  7. How would you picture yourself wearing a school uniform same as the other students?
  8. If your school would to enforce school uniforms, and all schools.How would you react?
  9. How does this affect you?
  10. Do you think is neccessary for the board trustees to do this?
  11. Why do you think they don't want the students to wear regular clothing?
  12. Spending money on school uniforms, is really not neccessary

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