Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Student of the Month

Student of The Month- Interviewing Questions

  1. Hi what is your name?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What grade are you in?
  4. What are you majoring after high school?
  5. How does it feel to be student of the month?
  6. What is you favorite subject in school?
  7. Have you ever been choosen to be student of the month?
  8. What do your friends think of you being student of the month?
  9. Did you try your best in being student of the month?
  10. Do you plan in going to college?
  11. What do teachers say about you ?
  12. Are they glad they have choosen you?
  13. Are you a straight-A student in this school year?
  14. Being student of the month do your siblings look up to you?
  15. Are you happy of being student of the month?
  16. Do you volunteer in community service, if yes what do you do ?
  17. Do you participate in any after-school program?
  18. How did you accomplish being student of the month?
  19. Do you think you should be student of the month?
  20. Why do you think people voted for you?

1.  Carolina Suniga
2.  Day is going well
3.  10th grader
4.  Photography
5.  Feels pretty great
6.  Theatre
7.  No
8.  They are happy, of her being student of the month.
9.  Yes, she tried her best.
11. Say, that she deserver it.
12. Yes
13. No.
14. Yes
15. She is happy
16. No , Community Service
17. No
18. Did homework evernight, and she tryed her best.
19. Yes.
20. Because, she tried hard and never gave up.

Changed Questions:
7. Not being student of the month in past years, why do you think they have choosened you?
9. How hard was it to get to be student of the month?
10. Do you plan in going to college, why?
12. Do you think teachers have a greater expectation of you, now that you are student of the month?
13. Are you a straight A- student in this school year, why or why not?
14. In your family do your siblings look up to you, why or why not?
15. Do you volunteer in community service, why or ,if  yes what do you do ?
17. How much of work of school do you do daily?
18. How do you consider yourself student of the month?

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