Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Photo Manipulation and ethics

.A.  Summarize the main points of the story in 1-4 sentences:
April Fool’s Day in the United States. In Israel this year, it was simply portrait day for the new cabinet and photographer Menahem Kahana.. An ultra-Orthodox Jewish newspaper, someone had fooled with the image. Some photographers try and make a joke and fool other people by the pictures they've took but could cause them they're job.

B Explain why you think this type of photo editing is unethical or acceptable.. 
I think this type of photo is unethical because it might be a picture but you never know it might be a joke to the one in the photo.

A. Post the manipulation that you think was the most unethical, and explain why you think it was unethical.

 This manipulation is the most unethical because they are putting things that are not even true and they didn't have that meeting so they are trying to say that they meet but in real life they didn't meet at all.

B. Post the manipulation that you consider the least unethical, and explain why you think it is not as bad as others.

 This manipulation i don't consider unethical because it really doesn't matter of the guy and its not that bad as the others.

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