Friday, November 12, 2010

Drug Cartels in Mexico

   I think its sad how this is happening to Ciudad Juarez, one the dangerous cities in the world. But no one could do something about this not even the officers of Mexico could handle the drug cartels. All this innocent people are dying not even having the fault of getting shot at daylight. These people cant even live peacefully in this city, scared, terrified, that they must be in the middle of a shooting. Many people are dying 10 people a day are dying many of them are journalists that are dying for the past years. But what can we do about it. Only the future knows and god knows what will happen next about the drug cartels. 

The photo that is my favorite is when Antebi shot the photo of a mexican officer. Where the officer is holding his gun and dressed up with his uniform and wearing his mask prepared for what comes up to him. Antebi used the technique of simplicity where the man is the main interest of the photo. Its my favorite photo because it shows that he is ready for whatever comes up. The attitude of his face shows that he is ready and he really cares about Ciudad Juarez. 

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