Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Practicing captions.

First Photo:
At a football game, Courtney Jackson is having a good time. Akins has scored a touchdown, and the crowd was very happy.

Second Photo:
Akins junior, Brandon Watsin is going to shoot his last free throw,and beat Westlake for the season. He has made the last one and they are now the winners of the game, fans are now cheering for him.
rule of composition would be simplicity, merger , leading lines

Third Photo:
Using his coloring pencil , Gabe Maldonado is finishing his last touches on his artwork, in Mr. Cannons class. The class has voted on him to show his artwork in front of the office, and go into Vase in next month.
rules of composition: depth , rule of thirds, leading lines , view point.

Fourth photo:
In Mrs. Warr's class an owl was visinting Akins High School, as other students take a look at him. The owl has recently just flew of and wondered throughout the classroom .

rules of composition: simplicity , merger.
leading lines.

Spring shoot photo prompts





Friday, April 8, 2011


My reactions to the powerpoint, is the photographer took some really good pictures, of the nature, animals of Africa. Got impressed of the photographs this photograher has tooken.

My favorite is the photograph of the zebras where they are right next to each other, and they are both looking at the other way.

Nick Brandt

What kind of camera did he use? Pentex 67, with short lens.
What is his reason for taking the photos? He has a pasion of  taking photographs, of Africa animals . And the animals are disappearing, because of global warming.
What is his hope by taking these types of photos? His hope, is that by seeing these photos people , out in the world could see what is happening in Africa and they could help out the animals.
Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog.?

"even though you think of Africa as huge.  Unfortunately the best concentration of wild-life is also where an awful lot of the population is"


Monday, April 4, 2011

5W1H Blog warm-up

Who :Barack Obama.
What :  Will launch a bid on re- election.
Where : April 14th , 2011
When :  In Chicago, he will hold this fundraiser.
Why :  Getting an early start in his campaing , so he could do his fundraising
How :  With doing this it will get him , so much time for his camapign , on being re-elected  in thes next election.

Basic News Writting

 Article #1 : Austin District holds community budget forum tonight

Who? Austin School District parents and employees.
Who is involved? administrators
Who does/did the affect? teachers and schools
 Who said so? school board

What? anticipated $94.4 million shortfall
What is happening?listened to administrators, lay out the preliminary 2011-12 budget.
What did happen? school administrators are still deciding on what will happen.
What are the consequences? more cuts and possibly school closures.
What is different about this? 
What are the choices?
  school closures and possibly an estimaded of 1,153 jobs

When? Last week
When did or will this happen? last week , and will have a meeting on April 11.
When was this discovered?

Austin School District Headquarters
Where did or will this happen?6:30 p.m. at Bowie High School, 4103 W. Slaughter Lane , in Southwest Austin.

Why? To discuss district cutting of jobs, and schools.
Why did this happen or will it happen?  feedback from the forum will be taken into consideration as officials revise the budget,

How did it or will it happen?
many budget wise problems
How much does it cost? The state could cut Austin's funding by more than $79 million
How many people does this affect?
How do you feel about this?
I feel that of what they are doing, cutting all these jobs, and making the decision of closing schools is unessary, i think after a while all the problems are going to be back to normal. many kids are going to left with no school and going to end up going to a school that they are not use to. Many parents don;t want their kids to change schools , thats why the whole community needs to put in effort in making not closed down the schools , laid off many teachers.

Article #2: Velarde testifies he received HGH injections from Bonds' trainer

Who is involved?Barry Bonds, Randy Velarde, Greg Anderson, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Marvin Benard
Who does/did the situation affect? The whole professional baseball community
Who said so?Someone

What is happening? Barry Bonds and Randy Velarde are being convicted of taking steroids.
What did happen? others were also trying the drugs.
What are the consequences? not being able to play in the team.
What is different about this? That its, not cool that they are doing this.
What are the choices? I guess, being sent to jail, in this case like this.

When did or will this happen? Happened on Wednesday.
When was this discovered? 2003

Where did or will this happen? In court.

Why did this happen or will it happen? They found out, with the drug test.

How did it or will it happen? once tthe drug test being confirmed, they were sent to court,
How much does it cost? Not sure about this.
How many people does this affect? It affected so many people in the team , whom that gave the drugs to.
How do you feel about this? I feel about this that they should of not done this , With them doing that it just made them get off the team and also their other team members.

Article#3: Official: Tens of thousands of evacuees can't head home for months
Who is involved? Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano and evacuees.
Who does/did the situation affect? people living close to the nuclear plant.
Who said so?  The chief of Tokyo

What is happening?
evacuees candt go back to their home , like until a couple of weeks.
What did happen? They  cant go back.
What are the consequences? many disasters may cause,
What is different about this? That living next to a nuclear power plant is really bad.
What are the choices? no go close to it , stay indoors,

When did or will this happen? thursday
When was this discovered? friday

Where did or will this happen?
happened in a nuclear power plant in Tokyo

Why did this happen or will it happen?
Happened since the earthquake, and these people have to leave. so noting will happen to them .

How did it or will it happen?
happen soon or later
How much does it cost? not sure
How many people does this affect?  This is going to affect so many people.
How do you feel about this? I
feel  that all these people have to leave , or if they want anything to happen to them. sad for all these people who dont want to leave their home , but they have no other choice, in leaving for their best.