Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Student of the Month

Student of The Month- Interviewing Questions

  1. Hi what is your name?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What grade are you in?
  4. What are you majoring after high school?
  5. How does it feel to be student of the month?
  6. What is you favorite subject in school?
  7. Have you ever been choosen to be student of the month?
  8. What do your friends think of you being student of the month?
  9. Did you try your best in being student of the month?
  10. Do you plan in going to college?
  11. What do teachers say about you ?
  12. Are they glad they have choosen you?
  13. Are you a straight-A student in this school year?
  14. Being student of the month do your siblings look up to you?
  15. Are you happy of being student of the month?
  16. Do you volunteer in community service, if yes what do you do ?
  17. Do you participate in any after-school program?
  18. How did you accomplish being student of the month?
  19. Do you think you should be student of the month?
  20. Why do you think people voted for you?

1.  Carolina Suniga
2.  Day is going well
3.  10th grader
4.  Photography
5.  Feels pretty great
6.  Theatre
7.  No
8.  They are happy, of her being student of the month.
9.  Yes, she tried her best.
11. Say, that she deserver it.
12. Yes
13. No.
14. Yes
15. She is happy
16. No , Community Service
17. No
18. Did homework evernight, and she tryed her best.
19. Yes.
20. Because, she tried hard and never gave up.

Changed Questions:
7. Not being student of the month in past years, why do you think they have choosened you?
9. How hard was it to get to be student of the month?
10. Do you plan in going to college, why?
12. Do you think teachers have a greater expectation of you, now that you are student of the month?
13. Are you a straight A- student in this school year, why or why not?
14. In your family do your siblings look up to you, why or why not?
15. Do you volunteer in community service, why or ,if  yes what do you do ?
17. How much of work of school do you do daily?
18. How do you consider yourself student of the month?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Interviewing Skills- School Uniforms


Topic: School uniforms

List three different sources you could interview for this topic:
  • students
  • teachers
  • parents
  1. "Hi, what is your name"?
  2. Hows your day?
  3. What do you think about school uniforms?
  4. Have you gone to a school, where you had to wear school uniforms?
  5. If you were to wear a school uniform one day, how would you feel?
  6. Do you perfer dress code or school uniforms?
  7. How would you picture yourself wearing a school uniform same as the other students?
  8. If your school would to enforce school uniforms, and all schools.How would you react?
  9. How does this affect you?
  10. Do you think is neccessary for the board trustees to do this?
  11. Why do you think they don't want the students to wear regular clothing?
  12. Spending money on school uniforms, is really not neccessary

Sports Action and details.

 #1 Alyssa Schukar- runner-up
Name of photographer -Alyssa Schukar
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- The general focus of the porfolio is everydaylife.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -
1. That all photos are taken the same way
2. similar focus and the way it is taken on each photo
3.  same story of photos.
List two things the judges like-
1.  the picture that the photographer has token, of the man sweeping with the great background.
2. the photo of the , girl  when she fell jumping the hurdle.
What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
my overall impression of this photo story is that the pictures could of been taken better, not the same thing on each of the photos.  Some pictures were really good , like the one of man sweeping , the streets that was really a good photo.

#2 Carlos Delgado- runner-up
 Name of photographer - Carlos Delgado
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- stories, and everyday life.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -

1.  in the photos taken , there is cluster in the backgrounds.
2. things are growing out of the persons head
3. pictures are out focus.
List two things the judges like-
1. some of the photos are taken in really good focus.
2. the content of some photos are good.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall imprression of this is that , most of the photos are taken with to much stuff in the background. Some great photos but i guess the photographer could of shooted his pictures better ., with great focus and great backgrounds.

#3 Justin Mott - runner -up
 Name of photographer - Justin Mott.
General Focus of portfolio- The general focus of the portofolio is , around the world , photographs from Vietnam, Bolivia.
List three problems that the judges note with portofolio-
1. somewhat good of pictures.
2. selective focus with the photos.
3. good point of view on the photos , new thing to try out. List two things the judges like-
1. they like how the photgrapher takes the photos , in great point of view.
2. his pictures have alot of space, in them making the judges not like the photos , or like them. something new they have seen.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall impression of this portfolio story , it was great some really great photos that Justin Mott has taken. Some thigs that i like is that he photograph,  people in real life and what they are really living the world right now.

#4 Sam Adams-runner-up
Name of photographer -
Sam Adams
General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- general focus of portofolio is sports.
List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -
1. some pictures aren't that good.
2. some are out focus.
3. picture of the swimmer girl, one of the other ones is faced backwards.
List two things the judges like-
1. they like some of the photos.
2. the photo of the self-portriat, of the guy, liked that photo.

What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
My overall impression of this photo story, is the photographer could of done some other great photos, some of his pictures were good, but the other ones, were not so good.
I like how the photographer takes photographs of sports people in real life, and catch them in there moments , either they are reaching for the ball , or reacting to the game.

Dustin Snipes- winner-
What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?
The judges note the photographer has taken photographs of good composition, has got in the activites to shoot a photograph, has captured moments in which all the team players are doing something.

What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?
Strenghs creativeness, exploring new things.
weakness, somewhat of photos he could of done better, but overall  he has done a great job with this portofolio. Judges did good in choosing him as a good photographer.

3. Watch the contest recap video.

Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
 They look at which story has the best photos , with no blank spots. and they also decided on the winner , if they don't repeat the same concept of photos throudgh out the photo stories.
Then they decide on the  winner.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Touching People.

1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
I think this project is great some really got photos, and the photo essay was good.
2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?
If someone approched me with the camera . and asked to participate in the shoot , and touch a stranger, um you could say I would do it .
3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
An unusual photo shoot similar to this one, i guess would be shooting little children, with adults, but at different places . or people of different cultures.
4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take? The photography was good , some really great photos. He took photos out in the environment.

Japanese Earthquakes

This photo makes me feel , sad. Its sad seeing Japan being treated like this by this Earthquake. Im in shock seeing this
Only words to say is WOW! The composition that is being used in this photo is lines, You see lines in the sort of formation of waves  forming, in the ocean. He used the technique of shooting from top view.

This photo is sad because, seeing how this half of the road got seperated by its other half.  The composition this photographer used  was leading lines the lines in the road leading to the other workers.

 This photo is sort of weird. , the composition used is repition. on all the cars next to each other and all sort of the same color , and funny how there is only two cars thar are colored and the rest are white.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cool Advertising Ad.

This is my favorite advertising ad because its really cool. I like the design that ATAT has done. I think with this advertising it would encourage me to buy a phone. It tells you the best coverage out of all phone companies . And have good coverage over alot of countries.