Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Exam Review

1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder.
To get to the server drivers, on the desktop there's an icon that says server_drives you double click it. Then you go to My Computer and some other drives should appear and you click on the one that says jstudents drive. then you click on the folder of photojournalism then 1st period and you find your folder with your name on it.
2. Explain how we use in this class
We use blogger in this to blog our assignments that are posted in

3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera
The process in creating a pinhole camera is that you get a can, you cover the whole thing in black construction paper and also through the inside also covering the lid. So no light goes through can then you create an opening on the side of the can, you cover the opening with aluminum paper and then you poke a small hole in the middle of the aluminum paper. Then you create a flap that closes and opens.
4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside
The pinhole camera works by when you set your pinhole camera facing of what you want to take of you open the flap like for 3 seconds then you shut it. The image is transferred to paper through the small hole in the aluminum paper when the light is given through the small hole.

5. Know how to define and explain the 10 rules of composition, these 10 rules will be a MAJOR portion of the final and you better know how to recognize these rules, explain these rules and show me you understand them:
5a.  Rule of thirds- When the main subject or image is in place in one of the intersections of a tic-tac-toe square . 
5b. Balancing Elements- When your subject is in place with the rule of thirds try to put something in place so it could balance out the photo. Having something in the foreground and something in the background and you will have balance in your photo.
5c. Leading Lines- 
Having lines leading to the main subject or having lines that make you go through the image in your photo. Lines could be any type of lines, curvy ziz-zag, or wavy lines.
5d. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- Having something symmetrical one on one side and the other side something the same. and pattern or repetition some that is being repeated constantly.
5e. Viewpoint-Having a viewpoint is the way you take a photo from up high or from the bottom or from the side. having a good viewpoint makes a good picture.
5f. Background/simplicity- that nothing is distracting the subject of the photo. having a good background makes a good picture
5g. Create depth- Depth creating a picture being taken and makes walk right through it, having subject be in foreground and middle ground and background.
5h. Framing- Where the subject is being framed by something in the photo.
5i. Cropping- by making the main subject cropped by the other things in the photo. so its only the subject being shown.
5j. Mergers and avoiding them- when taking a picture try not to have something coming out of their heads or having them not come out with a missing arm or something try to avoid these.
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph
It could impact the photo by making it a better picture, and the way we see the photo. 
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story"
A photo can tell a story by how the photo was taking, the reaction of subject and action,  and what they are doing in the photo. 

8. Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class (on the blog)
multimedia is how we present stuff like life's of people, stories or even news. examples of multimedia are video, audio , text, or graphic design.
9. Know how to correctly write a caption. I HIGHLY suggest you rewrite the rules on your blog and find at least 2 photos on the internet, post them on your blog and write correct captions for them. This will be a MAJOR portion of the exam as well.
1st sentence
Subject -- action verb (present tense) -- object -- how -- why -- when -- where.

The verb should be in present tense and the sentence should answer the 5Ws and 1H.
2nd sentence

Subject -- verb (past tense) -- object (describes background [context] of the situation shown in picture.)

The verb should be in past tense and the sentence should provide background info we couldn't get from looking at the sentence.

10. Explain how "strong action" verbs enhance a caption
A strong action verb enhances a caption by
11. Explain how ethics come into play in regards to photojournalism and compare and contrast this with fashion photography. You really need to get the idea that changing photos to fit a need or to make something look like something else is VERY unacceptable in photojournalism.
12. Explain the difference between a portrait and a self portrait.
13. Explain what characteristics of a good portrait are.
14. Explain what the major differences are between newspaper and yearbook.

 1. Aperture
2. Shutter
3. Exposure
4. F-stop
5. Single lens reflex
6. Negative
7. Positive
8. Contact sheet
9. Agitation
10. Enlarger
11. Stop bath
12. Fixer
13. Safe light
14. Burning
15. Dodging.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choice Sheets

 Newspaper or Yearbook?
What I would like to join next year, I think I would be Yearbook I. Of what makes join this class next year is that you get to create a 2 page spread for the yearbook. And that's a thing I like creating stuff. Also you get to take pictures for the yearbook. Maybe it will be a fun class to join learning more of a photographer person.



Friday, December 3, 2010

Abondoned Theme Parks

1. Tell me which amusement park featured in the two articles that you would like to visit and take your camera along and what about that park made you want to go there. Write at least a paragraph.
The amusement park I would like to visit and take my camera along would be  the Takakanonuma Greenland, Hobara, Japan. This park interested me because the pictures token by photographer seems that it was a cool amusement park with fun rides, like shown in the pictures. I would totally go to that amusement park to take awesome pictures of the used to be rides.  

 2. Post one photo from that park. You may use the photos from the link, or you can Google an entirely new photo. I would prefer to see a photo of the park in disrepair and not a photo of it when it was still operating.

3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them
    •  old parks

    • abandoned cities

    • haunted houses.

    • ships

    • games at a stadium

     4. Use google or another search engine to research ONE of your five places and see if anyone has already started documenting that place. If you find that someone has already started - post at least one photo of their work.

5. Write a paragraph about why you think that it would be fun to document that location. Tell me what interests you about that place and what kind of photos you could expect to take there.
I think i would be fun to document an abandoned city. I think it would be awesome taking pictures of the buildings that are sort of falling down. Of what i would be taking photos of would be of the houses, cars , buildings, and many more other stuff... car being rusted off i think that would be a good shot to take of. 

6. Tell me what it would take for you to go and take photos at your location. What would you need as far as equipment goes, travel plans, expenses you might encounter and what laws you would have to take into consideration to take photos at your spot..

From me to take photos at my location, of course i will need a camera specialized for photography. Food of course, and water, and other needs.  I would have to have someone go with me because i wouldn't want to go by myself on a abandoned city. Need to take plenty of money for the whole trip. And i would have to really be careful with going in there and also ask permission in going into the abandoned city.  

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My First Print

Kenia Hernandez is working on her classwork during 1st period in her Taks Math class so she could pass that class.  Working, in her math classwork Kenia is sitting with a couple of classmates, her friend Claudia is doing her work also, while others are doing their stuff.

1.) Is anything in sharp focus?
 I would say that the girl in the middle is in focus.
a.) Describe what is in focus and what is not.
The girl in the front I wouldn't say she in focus, of what is in focus is the girl in the middle. 
b.) If not in focus, state the cause.
Its in focus 

2.) Is there good contrast? (Look for the blacks and whites in the photo)?
I would say there is good contrast in the photo.  Its not to dark or nor to light in the photo. 
a.) If no, state the probable cause?
There is a good contrast

3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"?)
I would say that it does follow all the rules , the subject Kenia Hernandez fills the frame. The photo does contain action the two girls are doing their work. Action Movement of the pencil while doing their work. Yes, it does follow the composition rules it follows the rules of lines. It does show academics  they are working on their Math work.

a.) If yes, explain what techniques were used and how you followed them in your photo.
The techniques that were used were that i used the composition of lines. I took it at sort of an angle to show the whole line of desks. 
b.) If no, how will you correct this next time?
Did everything right. 

4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print?
There are no spots on my print nor yellowing. 
a.) If yes, what caused it/them?
no spots. 

5.) Are there print rings or spots?
no spots nor print rings 

a.) If yes, state the probable cause.
no spots

6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder?
Yes everything is stored in my folder. 

a.) If no, explain why.


What are they doing?
They are working on their Math classwork.

Where are they?
They are in the classroom with other classmates.

When is this happening?
It is happening in the morning during 1st period.

Why are they doing this?
They are doing they're work during class.