Thursday, October 28, 2010

american Soldier slideshow and caption

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?
The mos powerful image from the slideshows is when Fisher is training between the grass and looking out. Its a good image because it shows how hard he is training..

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
The sequence of photographs that is most powerful is when they are in Iraq. Its more powerful because there is more action with the soldiers. and more training.

c. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The images work together because it shows how he first starts out with being a soldier then goes through out showing when he is in Iraq and when he comes back home with all his family.

A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?The verbs are written is present tense.

B. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
It tells you more about the picture and more understanding of the image and what is going on in the photo and that's how it makes it better of a photo. 

1.  Chapter 8: Coming Home 
      Picture Number 32
      Ian and his girlfriend Angelica are waiting at the clerks office anxiously for this moment to come, finally they get married so long they have waited for this moment.

2.  Chapter 5: Army Blues
     Picture Number  30
  Ian at the airport looking back at his family , waving bye to him soon he will be back from Iraq.  

3. Chapter 6: In Country 
    Picture Number 3
   In the lunchroom, Ian sits thinking how long he won't see all his family in U.S. 

A. How do these other features enhance the photographs?
These other features enhance the photographs by showing more of the details of the photos.  A better more explanation of the photo. The videos showed more information of every chapter of Ian's life.


B. In what ways are videos better than photographs? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site. 
You could say that videos are better than photos. In photos you can also get an explanation of the photo but, in a video you get a better explanation of what you are doing.  An example would be Chapter 2: 1st days and 2nd thoughts.


C. In what ways are photos better than videos? Provide an example from the Denver Post Web site.
Photos are sometimes better than videos because in a photo there's more of an idea where you were at taking the photo and a video you can' really see. And a photo you could see the emotions of the person but in a video they would usually just talk about it. 


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Marlboro Marine

A. What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slideshow? (Think about the overall presentation: audio, editing, text)
Other skills that Luis Sinco utilizes to produce this slideshow are that he uses audio. He uses audio by using real live noises as if he was there, when taking the photos. Which makes more interesting for the viewer. He also uses text in the slideshow, he uses this letting know the life of the marine and what has happen to his life.  Also at the end Luis Sinco adds a documentary where he talking about it more .
B.  What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slideshow?
The effect of the multimedia effects of the slideshow, added power to the slideshow. Power because it made the slideshow more intense and more interesting to the whole thing.

A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshow? Why?.
The most powerful image of the slideshow is when the photographer takes a picture of the marine in battle where the marine and the other troops are with him . I think this is a powerful image because it shows how hard the marine fought in this battle with Iraq . 

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
 The sequence of photographs that is most powerful is when they show the marine during  the times he had with his wife and when they get married . I think that sequence of photos are most powerful because it shows the life of the marine and how he has lived so good before and then after. 

C. How does the audio enhance the photographs?
The audio enhances the photographs by making it  more better of a slideshow. It grabs more attention to the viewers. 

D. How do the images work together to tell a story?
The images work by telling how the life of the marine is at the beginning and throughout the slideshow if shows how his life was affected and at the end how his life is at the end . 

Friday, October 15, 2010

funny captions

Two cats sleeping in the floor carpet in the night to get a good night sleep. After a long day the two cats are sleeping really close together. In a comfortable little cushion bed.

Panda playing in the playground in the winter slips and slides of into the slide and he is just wondering where will he land. Panda thinking that he is a little kid sliding into the slide with all the snow.

Giant broom sweeping through the big streets of China on a windy day. Taking all the trash out by this broom was pretty awesome making this broom.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Show and Tell

Rainbow between storms

In this photo what makes it interesting is how the rainbow is over the skyline of Austin, Texas. And its pretty how it just stopped raining and the beautiful rainbow comes out.

Favorite Video:

This video is interesting because it shows how that place is destroyed by the hurricane. How these people are sad about this. 

Contests Preview

2008 Fall Contest: 
Honorable Mention Advanced Time Exposure
In this photo the thing that made me more inspired most of the photo was the glowing behind the tree. Making the glowing of the background makes the tree pop out of the photo.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great Black And White Photographers Part 3

                                                               Ansel Adams

What first caught my eye on this photo of Ansel Adams was the rose that was taken on the wooden floor. I see a rose that was just thrown by someone that didn't care of this beautiful rose  in the wooden floor. I smell the good aroma of the white rose that fills the good smell of the room. I hear people's footsteps walking around the the rose.The people are having a conversation saying who in the world would throw a beautiful rose on the floor. But people are just walking around it and just staring at it. I taste the apple while passing through the room when I see the rose on the floor I pick it up and put it on a vase. I feel the petals of the rose they are so smooth and I got be careful because the petals are so thin and I don't want to ruin the beautiful rose that is know on a vase and not on the floor. 

What caught my eye about this photograph of Ansel Adams was the road how it leads to somewhere no one knows and how the sky looks in this photo. I see the road going somewhere to the darkness. I also see a storm about to come in this lonely, stranded place. I smell nature coming to my nose I'm  walking to where the road leads and i just smell the nature of this lonely place where nobody is . I smell the rain, I think It might start pouring soon so I better hurry up. I hear the wind blowing really hard, and the trees leaves are moving with the wind of the direction going east. I can taste the air on my lips and I taste the rain that is falling on my face .... I'm walking and I tilt my head back and I could taste the rain going into my mouth . It feels good how the rain is falling on your face. I feel the good way of this walk, I touch the road and it feels rocky. I run more down to the end of the road into the darkness and it feels good, how the wind is blowing on you and also the rain falling on your head.  

I think a best way to show our photographers to our classmates and to the whole school i think a power-point would be great but a blog would also be great. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Academics Preview

"The Story"
This picture shows the best story because it shows how the kids are ready for an adventure.  

"Action or Emotion"
 This picture is the one with the best emotion or action. The emotion of this picture is that the little girl is happy and also the guy is happy. The action is that both are together and happy.  

"Filling the Frame"
  This picture
best shows how it fills the frame . What is interesting about this photo is how the guy is in science class dissecting something  and that's what interesting about this photo.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hurricane Ike

About this picture of how the coast of Texas looked when Hurricane Ike was going to hit there. In this photo simplicity is the composition . The guy walking is the center attention of the photo .  I choose this photo because it really tells how lonely the town looked when everybody had left  the coast before the hurricane hits the coast.

 About this photo it shows leading lines. Lines because it leads you through all the destruction that Hurricane Ike left. What strikes me most about this photo is how destructive the coast is. And its sad how we see this that's happening to world with these hurricanes.