Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy, Akins, Building

Happy, Akins, Building

The Home of The Akins Eagles!
Shows how Akins is full of pride.

Happy, I think this is good example of what I think happy is.
It shows the happy people through out the photo.

Building, I think this is shows a great example of a building.
Part of the building of Akins High School.

Monday, February 14, 2011

elements of yearbooks and notes

10 Elements found in yearbook:
  1. pictures with captions
  2. color
  3. text
  4. cover of the yearbook
  5. short stories of the students
  6. title of the yearbook
  7. year issued
  8. vol. #
  9. how its organized

The first section is the cover and it is a seperate piece, and made out of cardboard.
My cover its black, has 09 and the name of the high school. and the volume of the yearbook. My theme i guess would be Triune.
On the first page of the yearbook. i see its just a solid gray color, and has square box with text incorpared in it with pg. numbers. On the back insheets there's nothing on these sheets, its just a solid gray color.
On the very first page I see a picture, of their mascot, they name of the school, name of the yearbook, with the year and volume number, and other information of the school, and a caption of picutre. And on the left its blank.
Spread- Two pages side by side that work together.
On page 2-3 spread I see, on the left side, there is a picture of one of the football games, on the left side there is quotes about the school, and somewhat related to the theme, and the design of the yearbook.
Divider page- the page that divides,it from the theme page.
The sections of this yearbook are living, influence, meaning, brains, joined, inclusive, original, adrenalin, business. of what the divider page looks it has the big text, quotes and pictures and not very much.
On the very last two pages on the right side there is a picture of the school of what it looks like divided into twelve squares, and the name of the school, Trinity.
Colophon- describes how the yearbook is made, who publishes the yearbook, who took the pictures.
Of what it is included in the back pages is the colophon, editors notes, acknowledgements. A closing statement of the yearbook.
Things that are included in the back:
Senior Ads baby pictures of the seniors.
editors, staff