Monday, January 31, 2011

Magazine Cover Types

Cover Types

1. Early Magazine Covers
-had a little cute painting as the cover
-often they included ethics, orals.

2. The Poster Cover
-very few words
-and design to put out the photo
- the photo is the most dominant peace.
-it is visually appealing
-in general they would have a page photo
- in a poster magazine cover, you might want it to be a really good photo, and a photo that everybody knows.
Disadvantages: its boring, it doesn't tell you of whats inside your magazine, pick a really good picture

3. Pictures Married To Type
-first the words don't cover the most important things of the photo
-the words relate directly to the words on the cover,
-they work together and they help out each other out
Disadvantages: it might not be visually appealing enough to the massives

4. In the Forest of Words
-lots and lots of words
-organized in head lines and subheadlines
-the headlines are different sizes, and different color, different fonts,
-one majar and photo and one minor photo.
-The picture is the most important than the other elements
-it has multple points of entry
-it takes away from the photo from behind it.

Stuff that should be on my magazine cover:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Magazine Assignment

1st. Pile: Rechi (ukranian for "Things")

The things that are similar are none of them have people just objects.
The things that are different is that the covers are all stlyed differently and they all show different main subjects.
We put these magazines covers here because, none of them went along with the other catergories.
Most are effective at showing a piece of what's inside the magazine, except a few oare plain and don't advertise the magazine.
 Magazine names: The Day that changed America, Popular Photography, Silver Shotz, Home and Garden, Austin Monthly Home, Burnt Orange, Journalism Education, Smithsoian, Texas Monthly.

2. Informal and Formal Portraits
Characteristics: Covers that featured people doing a photoshoot  with a simple background to make them the main focus of the cover.
Similar: Most of them only have one person on the cover with a plain background.
Different: They're different people; different topics.
Why: They all are same types of portraits of well-known people.
Effective: they all are effective because they attract attention and give you a little insight to what that person is all about.
  • Quill & Scroll
  • American Photo (2)
  • Texas Monthly
  • Studio Photography & Design
  • Journalism Education Today
  • Record Store
  • Big D
  • Teen Vogue
  • People
  • Entertainment
  • The Brown Pages Magazine
  • Time
  • Cosmopolitan

3.Environmental Portraits
Characteristics: They all show people doing what the magazine is advertising and they represent what's on the cover. They show people in real situations instead of in a photo shoot.
Similar: They all have people, not things, on the cover showing what they do in real life.
Different: Everyone is doing something different, none of them are on the cover doing the same thing.
Why: We put these here because none of them are in a photo shoot, but they are all environmental portraits.
Effective: All of these are effective because they advertise what that person is famous for and it shows them doing their thing, not in a building somewhere with a plain background. It shows the real person doing their own thing.
  • National Geographic
  • PMA Magazine (2)
  • Freestyle (2)
  • St. Louis Official Visitors Guide
  • Journalism Education (2)
  • Texas Football
  • Texas Co-Op Power
  • Smithsonian (2)
  • American Photo
  • Sports Illustrated
  • People

4. Animals
The things that are similar are that they each contain a portrait of an animal.
The things that are different, that most animals are taken in their environmental world, and one is just taken as a portrait.
We put these magazines here because they all have a picture of an animal.
These are effective magazine covers becuase they all grab the viewers attention.
Magazine Covers Name: National Geographic, Photgraphy And Design, Smithsonian.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Best Covers

Portrait Covers:

#1 formal              #11 environmental    #20 environmental         #27   informal               #35 formal
#2 informal               #13 environmental    #21  environmental     #28  formal                  #36 formal
#3 informal               #15 formal             #22  casual                   #29 formal                  #37 (Details) formal:
#7  environmental   #16 environmental    #23 formal                   #29 environmental     #37 (Glamour) formal
#9 formal              #18 formal              #24 formal                       #31 formal                #37 (Time)formal
#10 environmental   #19 formal           #26 formal                       #32  formal

Favorite:#37 (Details):

Details magazine cover
This magazine cover is my favorite because, it is very casual. Its a great portrait taken by the photographer. I say its a good portrait becasue it was taken from her head and up. Its a nice portrait for a magazine cover of Details.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Magazine cover and catch up

5 things I should be thinking about when I  design my magazine cover.:
  1.  make you cover be curious so you can grab the readers attention. 
  2. don't judge your cover on screen.
  3. avoid a weak cover
  4. make it emotional 
  5. make sure you judge your cover. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Portrait and self-portrait tips and ideas


  • - Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.
  •  Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.

Environmental Portrait:
I picked out this environmental portrait because its taken out there in the environment. by the grass.

I picked out this environmental portrait because it shows the environmental things about the girl in the swing.

photography self portrait:

this a good picture of photography self portrait because its just an awesome picture that guy has taken of himself. 

its a great picture , love how she took the picture by the mirror making her reflection on it.

Casual Portrait:

 this a great picture of a casual portrait because they have token the photo at a casual moment.
this other casual portrait is great because its just casual they have token her photo at that moment with her hair flaring .

On what i am going to do on the next photo shoot is i am doing portrait . I would be doing pictures of my friends. Just plan on taking some pictures of them  just at random. I think its going to turn out good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome Back

 I would say this is my favorite photo of the year because it surely describes the problems that are happening in Mexico . How bad the houses are turning out after the battles between the cartels.
This one of the others favorites pictures of 2010, because its awesome how they have token the picture of  the lightning hitting the tower.

                                                    Other favorite of2010 , is this one with the Brazilians winning their victory from Mexico. They are showing their spirit of their country. 


1. What was the best song of 2010?
My best song of 2010 would be Roberto Tapia - Me duele because it is a great song to listen to and i really enjoy it . What attracted me to this song is how it is sanged by the artist. Its a great choice because when you listen to it makes you want go dance, i would consider it the best song of 2010.

2. What was the best movie of 2010?
The best movie of 2010, I think would be Toy Story 3 because its a funny, sad, movie. Its my choice because out of all the Toy Stories the 3rd one was the best one its a great movie to enjoy. What attracted me to this movie choice was entertainment of the movie.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
What I think the most important news story of the year would be the rescue of Chile Miners. Its my choice because the rescue of these men were all over the news everywhere so i would say its the best news story of the year.

4. Who was the most important person of 2010?
What I think is the most important person of the 2010, it would be Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga because she has made story all over the world. My choice because she is like unique, awesome singer, and that would make her the most important person of 2010.

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment, story OR person of 2010 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice)
The biggest sport of 2010 it would be the FIFA  World Cup because it was watched by every person in the world, i think everybody was entertained by it.


1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.
One thing i would totally remember is our trip to San Felipe, Guanajuato , Mexico I would totally remember our during the holiday.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2011 year?
My resolutions of this 2011 year is being really happy all this year, do good in school.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2011?
What i am looking forward to this 2011 is making it a good year.